Values and behaviours and staff charter

Scroll below for more information on NICCY's Values and Behaviours and it's Staff Charter.

NICCY Values

NICCY’s values represent the organisation’s core ethics and the principles by which we abide.  Our values were developed by staff and are supported by the Staff Charter which outlines leadership and management competencies and what staff and management can expect from each other.

Our values are:

  1. Children’s and Young People’s Rights are at the centre of all we do
  • We will work with and on behalf of children and young people in a way that respects their rights; including modelling effective participation in the organisation.

  • We will support children and young people to be children’s rights defenders on behalf of themselves and others.

  • We will keep ourselves informed on current issues facing children and young people by hearing from them directly, from relevant research or from other relevant stakeholders.

  • We will continue to learn from best practice and developments in domestic and international children’s rights discourse.

  1. We value and protect our independence
  • We will maintain and defend our independence and progress our status as an Independent Human Rights Institution in line with the Paris Principles.

  • We will co-ordinate and collaborate with others who work to promote children’s rights as appropriate.

  • We will be proactive in holding relevant authorities and bodies to account in relation to their delivery on children’s rights.

  • We will make autonomous and balanced decisions.

  1. We respect and value people, promote inclusion and diversity, and challenge discrimination and inequality.
  • We will promote the rights of the full spectrum of children and young people, engaging directly with them and challenging any breaches of their rights.

  • We will endeavour to ensure that all our engagement and communication methods are accessible to all children and young people, and wider stakeholders.

  • We will educate ourselves and others on best practice in regard to inclusive and tolerant language and behaviour.

  • We will apply our values both internally and externally and aim to promote a diverse and inclusive workplace environment where employees are treated with dignity and respect, valued for their difference in identity, thought, background and experience, and feel empowered in their roles.

  1. We are open and honest and act with integrity
  • We will act with the utmost professionalism at all times.

  • We will adhere to all internal policies and legislative requirements.

  • We will be clear, direct and unambiguous in our communication.

  • We will keep to our commitments.

  1. We are optimistic, striving to affect positive and lasting change
  • We will use our powers to identify, challenge and seek rectification of matters which fail to deliver on children’s rights.

  • We will be enthusiastic and confident in our ability to make a positive difference in the lives of children and young people.

  • We will remain resilient and challenge others when necessary.

  • We will promote developments in children and young people’s rights and monitor progress made in order to hold duty bearers to account.

Staff Charter

Leadership and Management Competencies:

  • Can communicate a compelling vision of the future
  • Can consult with a range of stakeholders to produces a robust (and forward focused) plan
  • Can set stretching (and challenging) objectives for teams and individuals
  • Can communicate effectively with a range of stakeholders
  • Can manage performance in line with policies and procedures
  • Can develop self, teams and individuals
  • Can create and sustain a culture of empowerment, accountability and collegiality
  • Can drive change and improvement
  • Can role model organisational values and behaviours

Staff can expect managers to:

  • Exercise a duty of care to staff signposting to others where appropriate
  • Acknowledge and respect individual differences and circumstances.
  • Manage in line with organisational policies and procedures.
  • Demonstrate fairness, equitable treatment and consistency in dealing with staff and others.
  • Recognise and celebrate individual and team success and achievement.
  • Passionately fulfil their role in NICCY and their contribution to the team.

Support development and performance improvement:

  • Provide an effective induction and ongoing support for professional development.
  • Provide clarity around vision, plans, objectives and standards of performance expected.
  • Provide clear and concise communication on individual team and organisational performance.
  • Foster constructive two-way feedback on an ongoing basis.
  • Contribute fully in times of challenge / difficulty.

Manage in line with organisational values:

  • Show Integrity, Honesty and Openness.
  • Maintain confidentiality.
  • Be professional at all times.
  • Show commitment to the development and improvement of the organisation.
  • Be prepared to hold others to account and challenge inappropriate behaviours.

Managers can expect staff to:

  • Demonstrate and live organisational values
  • Show Integrity, Honesty and Openness.
  • Maintain confidentiality.
  • Be professional at all times.
  • Show commitment to the development and improvement of the organisation.

Contribute positively to the team and its ethos:

  • Passionately fulfil their role in NICCY and their contribution to the team.
  • Be prepared to hold others to account and challenge inappropriate behaviours.
  • Contribute fully in times of challenge / difficulty.
  • Contribute constructive two-way feedback on an ongoing basis.
  • Respect individual differences.

Take personal responsibility for self:

  • Be proactive and raise problems or issues.
  • Be responsible and accountable for own work and actions whilst at work.
  • Demonstrate a personal commitment to their own learning and growth.
  • Be a responsible citizen by using resources and tasks effectively and efficiently.