
Public Prosecution Service Draft Guidelines for Use of the Diversionary Disposals - Cover Law Book

The Commissioner has intervened in a range of cases:

  • JR140’s Application and in the matter of a decision by the Board of Governors of St Malachy’s College Belfast [2021] NIQB 21: Regarding admission to post-primary school. Judgement is available for download here
  • ML and Special Needs and Disability Tribunal and Others [2021] NIFam 15: Regarding special education provision alleged to involve deprivation of liberty of a specific young person, the means by which that would be authorised, and inclusion of such within a Statement of Special Education Needs. Judgment is available for download here
  • In the matter of an application by OC (A Minor) and LH (A Minor) for Judicial Review and in the matter of a decision by a Health and Social Care Trust [2018] NIQB 34: Regarding the duties owing by the respective Health and Social Care Trust to provide accommodation to children when either looked after or children in need. Judgement is available for download here
  • MP’s (a minor) Application [2014] NIQB 52: Regarding the statutory duties owed by a Health and Social Care Trust to a child involved in the youth justice system. Judgement is available for download here
  • In the matter of the Queen v Ryan McGreechan [2014] NICA 5: Regarding the use of reporting restrictions to protect of the anonymity of young people who are convicted of crimes. Judgment is available for download here
  • In the matter of an Application by MP (acting by his next friend the Official Solicitor) for Judicial Review and in the matter of a decision by the BHSCT dated 12th December 2013 [2014] NIQB 52: Regarding failure to provide accommodation for a child who was detained in Woodlands. Judgement is available for download here
  • In the matter of the application JR49(acting by his mother and next friend) [2011] NIQB 41: Regarding the proposed transfer of a young person from Northern Ireland to secure mental health facilities in England. Judgement is available for download here
  • In the Matter of an application JR1(a minor) by her mother and next friend for Judicial Review [2011] NIQB 5: Judicial Review of the use of Tasers in Northern Ireland. Judgement is available for download here
  • S. v United Kingdom – 445/10 [2010] ECHR 983 916 June 2010): Article 8 case regarding the release of apparently confidential information to the media. Judgement is available for download here
  • In the matter of the application JR17(a minor) regarding precautionary suspensions [2010] UKSC 27 on appeal from [2009] NICA 14. Judgement is available for download here
  • Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young peoples’ Application [2009] NICA 10: Challenge to the lawfulness of the defence of parental punishment and related issues with NICCY’s victim status. Judgement is available for download here
  • Re E (a child) [2008] UKHL 66: The right of children and young people to be protected from inhumane and degrading treatment under Article 3 of the ECHR. Judgement is available for download here
  • An Application by Robert McMillen, Chairman of the Board of Governors of Ballyclare High School, for Judicial Review [2008] NIQB 21: Article 12 UNCRC, the right of a child to have their views heard on all decisions affecting them. Judgement is available for download here